Take Team-Building to the Next Level

Try a Fun and Creative Way of Boosting Communication and Collaboration

Go on an exciting escape room journey at REALITY DROP in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and come out stronger and closer than ever.

A man wearing a vr headset in front of green lights.
A woman wearing a vr headset and headphones.

An Engaged Team Is a More Productive Team

Building a team can be challenging. Playing together in our VR escape rooms will encourage communication and improve cooperation among team members. A simple adjustment in your environment combined with a shared activity can reignite the collective drive toward a common goal.

What Makes Teams Thrive

Activities conducted outside the workplace have enduring effects that bind groups together. Embark on a journey together and revitalize your team.

A person in white pants and a hat on the ground
A person with a helmet on and one hand up in the air.

Discover Unique Strengths

Collaborative efforts provide an opportunity for everyone to showcase distinct skills, thus enhancing their value as team members.